8 photos of the terrifying knife hand in action

Mike Dowling
Updated onJan 20, 2023 11:51 AM PST
1 minute read
Army photo


All military service members dread the ominous  “knife-hand” when being addressed by a superior as it usually means they are being corrected or some sort of discipline is soon to follow. Below are the 8 images designed to awaken your greates…

All military service members dread the ominous knife hand when being addressed by a superior as it usually means they are being corrected or some sort of discipline is soon to follow.

Below are the 8 knife hand images designed to awaken your greatest fears:

1. Recruits discover the hand gesture quickly

Photo: Cpl. Octavia Davis/USMC

2. A loud verbal correction often maximizes the effect

Photo: Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Andre N. McIntyre/Navy

3. The knife hand extends across all branches of service

(U.S. Army photo)

4. What better way to correct a trainee's salute?

Photo: Alan Boedeker/US Air Force

5. They come in handy while testifying before Congress

Photo: Sgt. Marionne T. Mangrum/USMC

6. A four-star version is exceptionally attention-getting

U.S. Marine Corps photo

7. Even "poolies" can get a taste of the ominous hand gesture

Photo: Sgt. Jose Nava/USMC

8. There are knife hands and then there are the Merhle from 'The Walking Dead' version

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