It’s June, in case you’re wondering. But military memes don’t take summer vacations, and these memes will be here with you all through the fighting season.
1. The is why the military has ridiculous names for things, to prevent miscommunication (via Weapons of Meme Destruction).

2. Never trust junior enlisted with anything but a rifle and a woobie (via Shit my LPO says).

3. Again, don’t trust junior enlisted with anything but a rifle and a woobie (via Pop smoke).

ALSO SEE: Once upon a time, this ‘little kid’ was a lethal Vietnam War fighter
4. That’s a true friend right there (via Military World).

Try to line up with this guy on the physical fitness test.
5. While falling in a parachute is the second worst time to learn to fall in a parachute (via Do You Even Jump?).

6. Just dangling under the helicopter waiting to get hit by a stick (via Coast Guard Memes).

7. There’s always a 70 percent chance it’s a penis (via Decelerate Your Life).

8. Brad Pitt really moved up in the world (via The Salty Soldier).

9. It’s really romantic until one of you has to spend another two hours melting polish (via Shit my LPO says).

10. Come on, the lieutenant is as likely to eat the dirt as anyone (via Coast Guard Memes).

11. Dude didn’t even get a good reenlistment bonus (via Decelerate Your Life).

12. Everyone wants to get super fit until they remember how sore your muscles get (via Decelerate Your Life).

13. Turns out we owe apologies to all those medics and corpsmen.