
Jon Davis is a writer and blogger focusing on military, international defense, and veterans’ welfare and empowerment.

Jon was honorably discharged United States Marine Corps veteran and is a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He became a writer while serving in the Iraq theater in 2005 and again in 2007. The activity became productive way outlet to the strain and stress of deployment, and an escape from the tedium of long deployments and training work-ups.

Currently, Jon is a contributing writer for We Are the Mighty and his work has been featured in Newsweek, Forbes, Gizmodo and many other sites via partnerships through Quora. He is also the author of the military science fiction webnovel The Next Warrior.

Besides writing, Jon is currently employed as a middle and high school teacher, small business owner, and publisher for education related articles, as well as tools for teachers and is also active as a Youth leader with his local church. He graduated with honors from the University of North Texas with a degree in Business Management.

Jon Davis funded through the crowdsourced fundraising via the platform Patreon. This means that every article he writes fans can donate a dollar or any set amount they choose to help fund research and development of new and better content and to reach new audiences. If you would like to support Jon Davis please visiting his patreon campaign page by following this link https://www.patreon.com/jondavis