Mikey Day’s World War I soldier desperately trying to get comfort from home is so real.
I just discovered this SNL sketch and then I had a drink in honor of everyone who got screwed over by Jody…
Not only that, it slyly captures the feeling of being overseas and wanting to connect with people back home. For service members, life gets put on pause during training, deployments, or remote assignments, but for the people we leave behind, well, life goes on.
Sometimes in really weird ways…
The War in Words – SNL
The War in Words – SNL
But really, who hasn’t slowly decrypted a cheating lover’s transgressions over time while serving your country overseas?
Claire Foy and Kenan Thompson are just fine in this, but Mikey Day is perfect as the poor soldier really trying to keep it together while literally everything goes to hell around him.

“In future letters please elaborate…” said everyone deployed ever.
I’ll just put this right here:
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This isn’t the first “The War in Words” sketch from SNL (Maya Rudolph joined Day in a Civil War sketch and it was also clever) but this World War I version cracks me up. Day plays the little voice inside all of us who just wants to do their duty but feels alarmed when it begins to dawn on them that they’re f***ed even though everyone else around them maintains that everything is fine.

It’s not fine.
Case in point: Day’s opening line in the Alec Baldwin Drill Sergeant video captures every single cadet I ever saw just…desperately trying to take a training environment seriously:
Drill Sergeant – SNL
Drill Sergeant – SNL
I’ll never not laugh at someone standing at attention and yelling out their response to a question.
Give the video a watch and let me know your favorite military sketch.