TRICARE is here for you, as the on-hold message will remind you over and over again. In fact, it’s a mantra you hear so often that many can likely hear the voice as you read this text.
They may be here for you … but they may not be here for you now. It’s a simple issue of logistics. They have thousands of people to work with every day, and in most cases, like they will also remind you, calls are taken in the order they are received.
However, that’s why it’s all-the-more important to make the best use of your time once you do talk to someone behind the curtain. From getting coverage issues answered, to streamlining an approval, to simple clerical questions, the more you know up front, the smoother your call can go.
Information at-the-ready
Start with getting your documents ready. Have referral numbers, case IDs, medical codes, etc. Come prepped. Ask the doctor and/or nurses what you may need and have it ready in advance. Not having to call back with mundane details can get you further in your process. If it helps, write out a sheet of paper with all of the above. You can add birth dates, socials, etc. (Just be sure to destroy when done or keep in a safe place.) A digital file in your phone will also work.
Next, come prepared with information on your policy. What does it cover and what can you ask for? Of course, with this comes the boring task of reading legalese. There are others who have done it first, so you can lean on them. Perform a Google search for TRICARE coverage help, see if there have been any influencers who offer medical rundowns. Believe it or not, there are lawyers who up their social media accounts with such info. You could even reach out to them to see what your options are for a particular procedure.
This isn’t a prep for battle, of course, it’s just a way to get information and find out where you stand with medical coverage and what should be expected.
Talk with Your Medical Professionals
The same goes for doctors, nurses, or any other pro you might be dealing with. Some have better communication skills than others. That’s to be expected. In any case, you should go in ready. Come with questions and write down your answers. Be clear and ask for followups if needed. This is a great way to gain insight on your own medical needs (or your loved one’s). Having more info can also lead you to be prepped when you talk with insurance coverage and your available options at hand.
That includes finding out what’s recommended after treatment, checkups, and more.
On the move

Military families don’t sit still. They are moving frequently, which means they will be assigned to various doctors throughout their tenure. (Even those who stick around are likely to see their medical professionals PCS). The better you track medical communication for your own family, the better treatment you can receive.
If it helps, keep a file that includes such information. If printed, it should be kept in a safe place. While on a computer it should be protected as well. Consider this your own notes that can be used alongside medical records. They don’t need to be used by anyone else, but serve as your own way to keep everyone straight with their medical needs. Each time there is a change or new appointment, you can list that in the document, too.
Keep yourself ready and informed with your medical institutions, as well as TRICARE so you know what medical coverage is available and how you can get the best care possible.