This military-focused nonprofit is actively seeking Advisory Board members

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The Military Family Advisory Network is well-known for their incredible work on behalf of military families and the military community. Now through June 1, they’re looking for members for their 2021 – 2023 Advisory Board.

According to their website, one of MFAN’s greatest assets is their advisory board: a group of military and veteran spouses who are also leaders in their communities. “All of our advisors bring different backgrounds to the table, giving MFAN a fuller understanding of what military families need and value. Through the diverse networks of each advisory board member, MFAN is able to implement a peer influencer model, which allows for real, authentic connection and information sharing across the military and veteran community,” their website explains.

MFAN volunteers. Courtesy of Facebook.

“Advisors meet on a monthly basis through video conferences and three times a year for in-person meetings. We talk about what we are seeing, hearing, and experiencing in our military communities, and when a challenge is raised, we work together to find the best solution. During these meetings, advisors also regularly review programs and resources presented by other organizations, providing candid feedback informed by their experiences as members of a military family. This work really is a group effort — and that approach underscores everything we do.”

The Military Family Advisory Network is the authentic voice of the modern military family and the bridge that connects military families to the resources, people, and information they depend on to successfully navigate all phases of military life. MFAN creates meaningful programming around military housing, mental health, military spouse employment and their latest endeavor, the 1 Million Meals Challenge:

To apply for the Advisory Board, click here.