Here’s the billion dollar barrier that separates Israelis from the Palestinians

Tim Kirkpatrick
Jun 25, 2018 3:56 PM PDT
1 minute read
Here’s the billion dollar barrier that separates Israelis from the Palestinians


For decades, Israelis and Palestinians have fought one another to claim land to which they both believe they’re entitled. Over the years, the two have committed violent acts against one another with hopes of, one day, winning out. Both …

For decades, Israelis and Palestinians have fought one another to claim land to which they both believe they're entitled. Over the years, the two have committed violent acts against one another with hopes of, one day, winning out.

Both sides want to control the land and enjoy their fundamental human rights.

In 2002, the Government of Israel approved the building of a barrier wall around the West Bank to prevent violent attacks by the Palestinians.

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Depending on which side of the wall you live on, it's referred to by many names. In Israel, the wall is called a security barrier, whereas in Palestine, they call it an apartheid.

Israel Security Forces near the West Bank wall. (Source: Meals Ready to Eat, KCET)

Today, the wall stands over two stories tall and runs a span of 400 kilometers. Though the wall keeps Israelis and Palestinians physically separated, there's one thing that helps bring people together: hope that the wall is temporary.

An inhabitant of Shiloh is escorted away by law enforcement. (Source: Meals Ready to Eat, KCET)

However, some people are looking to keep the two groups separated — the inhabitants of Shiloh, for example, a Jewish settlement built and occupied in the middle of the West Bank. Those who call this area home believe it's their land, though that contradicts international law and the viewpoints of the U.N.

Small settlements like this exist for both sides of the conflict, harboring extremists who don't think others have the right to live in the area. As a result, the locals lash out, attacking families and their farms, causing the conflict to grow worse as time progresses.

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But not everyone is out to do harm. Check out the sixth full episode of We Are The Mighty's original show, Meals Ready to Eat, below and watch peaceful farmers grow their agriculture so close to a barrier that separates two rival populations.

  (Meals Ready to Eat | KCET)New episodes of Meals Ready to Eat are posted on KCET's site every Wednesday night. And they're awesome.


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