The reasons why individuals join the US military are as diverse and unique as each person serving.
But, whatever the reasons for why someone joined the military, service members can bond with each other over both the negatives and positives of serving in the armed forces.
In a recent Reddit thread, military members responded to the question, “What is your favorite part of being in the military?”
Predictably, the answers varied greatly, from the steadiness of pay in the military to the sense of belonging to something greater than the individual. We’ve collected our favorite answers below.
For Reddit user terrez, the greatest part of being in the military was the opportunities to see and experience things he would never have had the opportunity to otherwise:
Got to live in Japan, a place I never thought I would see I person. So that’s pretty neat. Occasionally an f16 will be doing loopdy loops and stuff over the flight line (idk why) and it’s like a quick little air show.
This point of view, the fact that the military is an eye-opening experience, was echoed by LordWartooth:
I would honestly have to say, both sarcastically and seriously, that my favorite part of being in the military has to be the eye opening experience about life in general. When you see senior field grade officers who can barely read, or senior enlisted whose uniforms could be painted on, considering how tight they are, and you know that they have found success in life, then I should know that consistently aiming to be better than that will take me where I want to be in life, in the military or outside of it.
Reddit user Esdarke quickly agreed with LordWartooth’s point:
Absolutely this. If nothing else, the military will teach you about yourself.
I for one have resolved to be less of a d— to people. Because now I’ve seen what happens when everyone acts like a YouTube comments section and nobody needs that in their life.

And for some, serving in the military was made worth it simply for the camaraderie and diversity that it fostered in the ranks. StonehengeMan writes of his favorite part of being in the military:
The people in the military.
All kinds of backgrounds – but we all work together as one (mostly). The sense of camaraderie and purpose.
Sorry if that comes across as a little earnest but it’s the people you work with that get you through the really bad days and who let you enjoy the good days even more 🙂
This sense of family that the military fosters was a common theme for the Reddit users. User Asymmetric_Warfare noted that the military imbues service members with a support system, adventure, and experiences that someone fresh out of high school might never otherwise experience:
For me first and foremost it has been mentoring my joe’s and watching my junior enlisted soldiers grow and mature and become NCO’s themselves.
Being able to call my deployment buddies up at any time any place anywhere with any issue and they will be there for me and vice a versa.
Making friendships with the people you deploy with that are stronger then your own familial bonds to your siblings and family back home.
Going to war, realizing a lot of sh– back home is just that, white noise, definitely puts life into perspective after.
Being stationed in germany at 18 years old, Donor Kabab’s, them crazy foam parties in Nuremburg. All those lovely German single ladies…I miss you Fräulein’s.

And of course, for some, the best part of joining the military are the practical and concrete benefits that the organization imparts. As zaishade writes:
Not worrying about my finances: I don’t have to worry about being laid off tomorrow, or not making enough to cover rent and groceries. As much as I like fantasizing about my separation date, whenever I go visit civilian friends and family I’m reminded of how much the common man still has to struggle.
Reddit user jeebus_t_christ echoes the practical benefits of joining the military by writing simply: “Free college.”
And ultimately, as Reddit user ChumBucket1 notes flippantly, “Blowing shit up and shooting machine guns never got old.”