FOX News anchor Martha MacCallum live from Normandy in honor of D-Day 80th anniversary

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Eight decades have passed since dawn broke on the shores of Normandy, illuminating a scene of unparalleled bravery and sacrifice. On June 6, 1944, known forever as D-Day, the Allied forces launched a daring assault. As we acknowledge this incredible 80th anniversary, FOX News anchor Martha MacCallum will be there for it all.

MacCallum will broadcast live from the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial, interviewing World War II Veterans and a delegation of United States Senators taking part in the ceremony about the milestone. It’s more than a story for the anchor, it’s personal.

“My Uncle Harry Gray fought and died at Iwo Jima at the age of 18. Reading my mother’s letters from him inspired me from a young age to learn more about World War II,” she shared. “I was able to travel to Iwo Jima with Pacific Theater veterans for my book in 2019 and it was a life changing experience.”

The FOX News anchor was on the beaches in Normandy with her family a decade ago and five years ago for the 75th anniversary as well.

“Each time I am so stuck by the genuineness and warmth and humility of our ‘Greatest Generation’,” MacCallum said. “The selflessness with which they fought and died and the brotherhood they share. The sisterhood as well, I met some great ‘Rosie the Riveters’ today during my interviews.”

Each day leading up to D-Day, MacCallum will help tell the stories of the veterans who participated in one of the greatest battles of all time. With it being the 80th anniversary, the chance to hear from these warriors is extraordinary. The media giant is also airing specials on their subscription service, FOX Nation, to recognize the anniversary. Frog Fathers: Lessons from the Normandy Surf follows four Navy SEAL veterans as they visit the site of the bloodiest day in U.S. Naval Special Warfare history. Following in the steps of their forefathers, the men pay homage to the fallen as they attempt to better understand the events of June 6, 1944.

“I would encourage any family who is able, to come here during the anniversary. The country villages and back roads come to life with WWII jeeps and people in uniform, music from the 1940s and parachutes dropping from planes above,” MacCallum explained. “There are C-47s flying over the beach and so many families who take the time to stop and talk and take photos with every World War II Veteran they meet. These men are like movie stars here and they truly deserve our praise and thanks.”

The successful Allied landing of D-Day paved the way for the liberation of Western Europe from Nazi occupation which ultimately led to the downfall of Adolf Hitler’s regime. Its significance lies not only in the extraordinary military triumph but also in the embodiment of international cooperation and sacrifice in the pursuit of freedom and democracy.

“We wouldn’t have ‘everyday America’ without these heroes. Hitler wanted to take over the UK and then America and we must be wary of the threats that exist today from aggressive Russian and Chinese expansionist efforts. Don’t be lulled into a sense of security,” MacCallum implored. “Remember these young men were living their young lives, enjoying being teens and twenty-somethings when the attack on Pearl Harbor changed everything. They lined up to sign up to go overseas. Would our young people do that today?  We owe these men so much and we should effort to emulate them more.”

Other than tuning into FOX News for coverage, WATM asked MacCallum what movies she would encourage Americans to watch to honor this anniversary.

“Encourage your children to watch The Longest Day, Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers or The Pacific. These movies are treasures that will spark their curiosity and understanding of our history,” she shared. “They are not getting this education in schools, so it really is up to you as parents to teach them and expose them to our history.”

Photos courtesy of Fox News. Used with permission.