Watch the Brits teach these U.S. Marines how to ‘fight in the freezer’

U.S. Marines received training from their British counterparts in how to operate in the extreme cold of the Arctic. The training took place in Norway near the border with Russia, a region that's relevant based on current events in plac…
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U.S. Marines received training from their British counterparts in how to operate in the extreme cold of the Arctic.

The training took place in Norway near the border with Russia, a region that’s relevant based on current events in places like the Ukraine and the state of NATO. Bottom line: Marines need to be ready to fight in this environment.

British Royal Marines hosted the training and included the obligatory inter-coalition harassment like dumping the Yanks into the cold water . . .

Photo: YouTube/BBC Newsbeat

… and giving them a shot at building a snow shelter …

Photo: YouTube/BBC Newsbeat

Check out the video below: