Why certain workouts can stop you from losing weight

Tim Kirkpatrick
Mar 18, 2019 9:16 PM PDT
1 minute read
Why certain workouts can stop you from losing weight


When service members hit the gym, they burn calories, build muscle, and slim down. Pair that exercise with a healthy diet and we quickly shed unwanted pounds. After a while, our bodies begin to adapt to these workouts and, suddenly, those poun…

When service members hit the gym, they burn calories, build muscle, and slim down. Pair that exercise with a healthy diet and we quickly shed unwanted pounds.

After a while, our bodies begin to adapt to these workouts and, suddenly, those pounds of fat aren't disappearing as quickly as they once were — but why?

The answer is pretty interesting. Our bodies are well-engineered pieces of equipment, designed to protect us — even from ourselves. Service members are known for running mile after mile in a tight formation a few times per week. Running is a great, high-impact exercise that burns a sh*t-ton of calories, but, after a while, our bodies adjust.

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We reach what many call a "physical plateau." Those incredible results you saw in the first few months of working out slowly start to taper off. This is because your metabolism automatically adjusts itself to protect the body from losing mass.

It's a fantastic defense mechanism, but it's also a pain in the ass.

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When it comes to dropping weight, many runners out there are making yet another mistake: failing to intake enough calories. When your body is running low on energy, its defenses will kick in yet again, slowing metabolism to maintain weight.

So, in short, to stop your metabolism from lowering, it's important to listen to your body and eat enough. It may sound strange, but you need to take in calories to burn them. If you're into intermittent fasting, make sure to take in all the necessary calories within the structured six-to-eight hour eating window.

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If you're doing mostly cardio to lose weight, it's also highly recommended that you introduce a bit of weight training. Maintain a dynamic exercise routine and keep your body guessing — you'll plateau much less often and see results more constantly.

Like they say, "lift heavy and lift often."


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