Being commander-in-chief is all about rocking the flight jacket

As written in the Constitution, the President of the United States is also the military's Commander-in-Chief, and history would indicate that among the things that duty involves is wearing a flight jacket when in the company of American troops. So …
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11/6/1986 President Reagan walking with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher at Camp David

As written in the Constitution, the President of the United States is also the military’s Commander-in-Chief, and history would indicate that among the things that duty involves is wearing a flight jacket when in the company of American troops. Who pulls it off the best?

For benchmarking, here are how some of the nation’s previous presidents looked while wearing a flight jacket:

1. John F. Kennedy

JFK sailing off of Hyannisport. (Photo: White House)

2. Ronald Reaganpresidents

3. George H.W. Bush

Bush 41 sporting his Naval Aviator’s Wings of Gold on his flight jacket. (Photo: White House)

4. Bill Clinton

Clinton aboard the USS Independence (CV 62) .(Photo: U.S. Navy)

5. George W. Bush

Bush 43 at Camp David with British PM Tony Blair. (Photo: AP)

6. Barack Obama

Obama with his A-1 flight jacket (USAF style) during a surprise visit to Afghanistan. (Photo: White House)

7. President Joe Biden

presidents in flight jacket
Former Vice President, Joe Biden receives a flight jacket from the Commanding Offficer of USS Ronald Reagan Capt. Kenneth Norton