Why every veteran should take up archery

veterans archery
Photo Courtesy Dan Horgan (Total Archery Challenge)

Archery is an activity that has been around for centuries and has been used for various purposes, including hunting and combat. However, in recent years, it has gained popularity as a recreational activity and even as a form of therapy. For military veterans, archery can be an excellent way to promote physical and mental well-being. In addition, 3D archery events can be a fun and exciting way to enjoy the sport. Whether you were a Special Operations Marine, Green Beret, Navy SEAL, Air Force TACP or Personnel Specialist, you can get into the sport and reap the benefits.

One of the therapeutic benefits of archery is that it can help to promote physical fitness. Shooting a bow requires upper body strength and core stability, which can help to improve overall fitness. This is especially important for veterans who may be dealing with physical injuries or disabilities. Archery can provide a low-impact way to work on strength and flexibility without putting excessive stress on the body.

benefits of archery Black Rifle Coffee Company Veteran Adaptive Athlete Shoot 2022
Black Rifle Coffee Company Veteran Adaptive Athlete Shoot 2022.

In addition to physical benefits, and perhaps more importantly, archery can also promote mental wellness. Shooting a bow requires a great deal of focus and concentration, which can help to clear the mind and reduce stress. This can be especially beneficial for veterans and first responders who may be dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or other mental health issues. Archery can provide a way to focus the mind and relax, which can help to reduce anxiety and improve overall well-being.

3D archery events can be a great way to enjoy the sport and experience the therapeutic benefits of archery in a social setting. These events involve shooting at 3D targets shaped like animals, which can be a fun and challenging way to practice archery skills. These events often take place in outdoor settings (even indoor leagues), which can provide an opportunity to enjoy nature and fresh air. Additionally, 3D archery events often involve friendly competition, which can be a great way to connect with others who share a love for the sport.

dan horgan benefits of archery
Photo courtesy of Dan Horgan.

Participating in 3D archery events can also provide a sense of accomplishment. Shooting a bow requires skill and practice, and hitting a target can provide a sense of achievement. For veterans struggling with transitioning back to civilian life, archery can provide a sense of purpose and direction. Participating in 3D archery events can build confidence and self-esteem, especially important for those dealing with the emotional toll of military service.

In addition to the therapeutic benefits of archery, 3D archery events can be a lot of fun. Shooting at 3D targets can be a challenging and exciting way to enjoy the sport, and participating in these events can provide a sense of camaraderie and connection with other archers. Whether you are a seasoned archer or a beginner, 3D archery events are a great way to experience the thrill of the sport.

benefits of archery for veterans
Photo courtesy of Dan Horgan.

Archery can be an excellent way to promote physical and mental well-being for military veterans. The focus and concentration required to shoot a bow can clear the mind and reduce stress, while the physical demands of the sport promote strength and flexibility. If you are a veteran looking for a new activity to promote well-being and connect with others, give archery a try.