This riveting animated short reveals the complexities of war

"Confusion Through Sand" tells the story of a young infantryman confronted by overwhelming conflict when he's sent to a small, sandy village. Scared and alone, he has to fight his way out of an ambush. The nine-minute short reveals the…
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“Confusion Through Sand” tells the story of a young infantryman confronted by overwhelming conflict when he’s sent to a small, sandy village. Scared and alone, he has to fight his way out of an ambush.

The nine-minute short reveals the confusion of war from the warfighter’s perspective. It explores the spectrum of haze experienced by today’s soldiers in the desert, interpreting what happens when training encounters circumstances beyond the realm of human control.

The story is on the ground and under the helmet of a 19-year-old infantryman, according to the video’s Kickstarter campaign.


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