Service organizations for women veterans

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women veterans

The military may seem like the domain of men, but women veterans make up an important part of our history. In fact, women have served in every conflict since the Revolutionary War. And, this section of the military community is the fastest growing group of veterans. In the year 2000, women made up on just 4% of the veteran population. However, since then, the number has increased to nearly 10%. In recent decades, the military community has blossomed with tons of service organizations dedicated to celebrating and advocating for women veterans and active-duty service members.

By 2040, that number is going to soar and that means now more than ever service organizations are important. In fact, there are now more than 2 million women who proudly call themselves veterans – an amazing statistic that deserves celebrating.

Here’s a roundup of some of our favorite organizations for women veterans:


In 2017, the Women Veterans Network (WoVen) was established to build community amongst women who have served in the armed forces. Some of the organizations areas of focus include transitioning, work/life balance, and esteem.

Whether you’re newly enlisted or retiring and shifting back to civilian life, WoVen will support you. The transition out of military service has often led to a decline veteran mental and physical health. Women Veterans Network hosts retreats, identifying the skills needed to adjust to life out of service. Attendees are also assigned mentors for peer building.

women veterans service organizations
Photo courtesy of Women Veterans Network (WoVen).

Work/Life Balance

WoVen provides worksheets that encourage self-reflection so that they may examine their lives to determine what they like and what they don’t. Then, they can discuss their goals with peer groups and mentors to determine how best to achieve the balance they desire.

Women Veterans of America

During the Gulf War, military women struggled to have their needs addressed by the VA Hospital system. While receiving treatment, women had little to no privacy, and doctors lacked the expertise to provide them adequate care.

In 1990, four forward-thinking service members founded the Women Veterans of America to advocate for women in the armed forces. For the last 30 years, the organization has fought on behalf of women service members, focusing on gaining rights, recognition, and benefits. Understanding the limits of the VA Hospital system, the Women Veterans of America has placed much of its focus on women’s healthcare needs. The group has focused on women’s issues, including substance abuse and alcoholism, breast cancer awareness, and cervical cancer screenings.

American Women Veterans and

The American Women Veterans website pays tribute to women who have served in the Armed Forces. This resource also focuses on aspects of veteran assistance, including financial planning, health insurance options, mortgage lending.

VA Care

From coast to coast, all female veterans have a secure home in the VA health system. With over 1,200 sites of care and 171 Medical Centers across America offering specialized services for women; VHA is here to fight ‘for her.’ From primary healthcare support through maternity care coordination at 69 locations – equipped with state-of-the art equipment including onsite mammography’s – every veteran has an advocate and friend within this incredible family who looks after their needs as if they were one of their own!

The VA website includes valuable information to women veterans and active service members. Thanks to decades of advocacy, the VA now addresses women’s unique health needs. The Department provides links to studies and statistics regarding the healthcare and needs of women who serve. Find out more here.

Find out more about what the VA is doing to help veterans in need here.