We published our favorite 63 COVID-19 memes not too long ago and the response was overwhelming. Turns out during these serious, scary and uncertain times, one thing is for sure: We could all use a good laugh. And one more thing that’s for sure: the memes just keep on coming. We bring you this week’s best COVID-19 sayings and memes.

1. This is why we can’t have nice things
It’s bad enough we cancelled March Madness. Can ya’ll just please follow the directions so we can have some summer?

2. And you thought finding love in the time of cholera was bad
At least it’s not you, it’s COVID-19.

3. 6 feet, damn it!
I always thought Pooh was the selfish one, breaking into everyone’s houses and stealing all the honey. Maybe it’s clingy Piglet.

4. That homeschool life tho
If you can teach fractions pouring wine, you can teach gym with chores.

5. I volunteer as tribute
You know you’re going to get voluntold anyway.

6. Spoiler alert: nowhere
I got so excited when I saw Absolutely.

7. Wasn’t me
It’s always the wife.

8. Dad joke
Oh, so punny. Sorry, not sorry.

9. The truth hurts
If only hoarding had an immunity boost with it.

10. I’d like to pass over 2020
Seems logical.

11. Puerto Backyard-O
Just be careful of the DUI checkpoint in the hall.

12. So full of hope
So full of $hit. 1

13. This little piggy
That’s the one who stayed home, Karen.

14. You put the lotion on the skin
But honestly, isn’t there a tinnyyyyy part of you that thinks it would be so nice to be touched by another human again?

15. The quarantine cut
This cut will help you social distance like never before!

16. It ends with credits
After Tiger King, is there really anything left to watch?

17. Poetry in action
We might need this on a t-shirt.

18. Allergies be like
No, but seriously. You know you can’t sneeze without everyone panicking.

19. Blend and repeat
We call this breakfast.

20. No pants either way
Just don’t confuse the two.

21. Life lessons
Here Timmy, blow your nose. And breathe in.

22. Bad Boy vs. Death Row
These are important life lessons.

23. Stay-at-home order
Except for everyone in the military.

24. Quarantine body
We might need to issue a lockdown on our snack cabinet…

25. Nobody wants bed bugs
Lice, too.

26. Show me the money!
Plumbing is an essential service. Hoarding is not.

27. Is today the day?
And to think you might not even know for 5-14 days…

28. Another COVID-cut
You can always just shave it off…

29. Prince Charmin
The year of the hunter.

30. Hashtag no filter
No truer words were ever spoken.

31. Speaking of Matthew McConaughey…
At least he got thinner?

32. Look at this stuff, isn’t it neat
We know we’re mixing Disney movies, but that bidet is a whole new world.

33. Meanwhile, in Oklahoma
We know Carol Beskin is the real cause behind coronavirus.

34. United as one
That’s how the heartland does. ‘Merica.

35. April Fool’s
Although, this might be footage of Florida over the weekend… #STAYHOME

36. Muscle atrophy
Too many leg days?

37. How we all feel
Don’t forget to change out of your daytime pajamas into your nighttime pajamas.

38. Oh Kermieeee
Is Quarantini a breakfast beverage?

39. Pants are always optional
Video chats should come with a 15 minute courtesy.

40. The difference a year makes
Just a healthy change in perspective.

41. Men are from Mars…
He probably does want to talk about it.

42. Two thumbs up
“No, really, we don’t mind.”

43. We’ll never forget
The Purell. The panic. The year the world stopped.
Keep your sense of humor, wash your hands, stay home and stop the spread. And more than anything, we hope you and your family stay well.