Here’s the Tom Cruise classic ‘Top Gun’ in under 3 minutes

[brid video="117481" player="7965" title="HUAW Top Gun in Under 3 Minutes"]'Danger Zone,' Maverick, Iceman, sunglasses, and volleyball - 'Top Gun' has almost too much to cram in under three minutes! This is just an early…
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‘Danger Zone,’ Maverick, Iceman, sunglasses, and volleyball – ‘Top Gun’ has almost too much to cram in under three minutes!

This is just an early part of the series! Want to watch the new stuff?

WATM now has exclusive content featured on Verizon’s Go90 streaming app! Just download the app, log in, and search for “Hurry Up and Watch” to find more episodes. Each Wednesday, for the next twelve weeks, a new episode of Hurry Up and Watch will release on Go90 exclusively – you won’t find it anywhere else.

So hurry up, download, log in, and watch!