17 Troops Wrapping Ammo Around Themselves Like They’re Mr. T

<img src="https://assets.rebelmouse.io/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpbWFnZSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vYXNzZXRzLnJibC5tcy8xNzI4NDIxNy9vcmlnaW4uanBnIiwiZXhwaXJlc19hdCI6MTYyOTA4MjE1MH0.9kWa9rtpGo5CyPJaqCy_021XVBoNV77yhK4ayB3ovd4/img.jpg?width=980" id=…
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I pity the fool!

The extremely photogenic Marine trying to be the next Rambo.

Photo: James McCauley

These soldiers broing out with matching 25mm ammo rounds.

Photo: mob mob

This Afghan cop whose way too good looking to show his face.


 The soldier who got ditched by his squad.

Photo: Wikimedia

This soldier whose belt is long enough to jump rope with.

Photo: U.S. Air Force

  The soldier who finally gets to have a turn on the 240. YES!


 This Afghan soldier picking out his best Rambo pose.


These soldiers accessorizing before joining the Siege of Leningrad.

Photo: Doug Banks

 The admin soldier  who doesn’t skip a photo op.

Photo: Histomil

The guy with a hero complex.

Photo: Histomil

The soldier who wants to play something else besides war.

Photo: Wikimedia

No one is big enough to wear a vulcan cannon ammo belt.

Photo: Paul O’Thomson

These grunts with a mess on their hands.

Photo: Nicholas Fields

 The soldier who washes and dries his ammo belts.

Photo: Judy Proctor

This lady showing off her belt collection.

Photo: Belts Org

This guy who would rather play cowboys and indians.

This guy who outdoes Mr. T.

Photo: Andreu Rodriguez

NOW: 17 Photos That Show Why Troops Absolutely Love The .50 Caliber Machine Gun

AND: 7 Key Military Life Hacks That Matter In Civilian Life