Each week, we bring you the best photos of our military in action! See someone you know? Tag them or share this.
1. 56th HMU/RQS reunites with family, friends after deployment

Photo by Senior Airman Brooke Moeder, 31st Fighter Wing Public Affairs
A U.S. Air Force Airman assigned to the 56th Rescue Squadron poses for a photo with his family after returning from a deployment, at Aviano Air Base, Italy, Feb. 9, 2022. Airmen with the 56th RQS and 56th Helicopter Maintenance Unit received a warm welcome from families, friends and coworkers after returning from their deployment.
2. 2022 CNGB Biathlon Championship

Photo by Sgt. Mahsima Alkamooneh, Camp Ripley Training Center
Master Sgt. Angela Horn with the Alaska National Guard’s 297th HHC RSG, poses for a photo during the Chief of the National Guard Bureau Biathlon Championships at Camp Ripley, February 13, 2022. The championships kicked off with an individual Sprint race.
3. 173rd SAT

Photo by Sgt. Brandon Rickert, AFN Vicenza
Paratroopers from the 173rd Airborne Brigade conduct Sustained Airborne Training at Aviano air base, Italy February 9th 2022.
4. Joint STARS 3289 Retirement

Photo by Capt. Ronald Cole, 116th Air Control Wing Public Affairs
U.S. Airmen of the 339th Flight Test Squadron pose in front of E-8C Joint STARS aircraft 92-3289 after arriving at Davis-Mothan Air Force Base, Arizona, Feb. 11, 2022. The aircraft has been in military service since 1996 and will retire to its final resting place with the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group.
5. IMX/CE 2022 Partner Nation Arabian Gulf Photo Exercise

Photo by NAVCENT Public Affairs, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / U.S. 5th Fleet
220209-N-NO146-1005 ARABIAN GULF (Feb. 9, 2022) Ships from partner nations participate in a photo exercise during International Maritime Exercise/Cutlass Express (IMX/CE) 2022 in the Arabian Gulf, Feb. 9. IMX/Cutlass Express 2022 is the largest multinational training event in the Middle East, involving more than 60 nations and international organizations committed to enhancing partnerships and interoperability to strengthen maritime security and stability.
6. Recruit Training Command Meet the Sailor

Photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Camilo E Fernan, U.S. Navy Recruit Training Command
Seaman Recruit Jamesley Bazile poses for a portrait photo at Recruit Training Command. More than 40,000 recruits train annually at the Navy’s only boot camp.
7. Field Photography

Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Alexander Henninger, AFN Vicenza
Sgt. Page Sevilla, a Public Affairs Mass Communication Specialist assigned to American Forces Network – Vicenza, takes photos during an airborne training exercise in Aviano, Italy, on February 9, 2022.
8. 2ID Celebrates National Boy Scouts Day

Photo by Pfc. Kade Bowers, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-U.S. Combined Division
Cpl. Yongha Hwang, a scout leader in the Korea Scout Association and Boy Scouts of America, poses for a photo on Camp Humphreys, South Korea Feb 8, 2022. Hwang helped celebrate National Boy Scout day with members of the Boy Scouts of America.
9. SMA and 4th Brigade, 25th ID

Photo by Maj. Jason Welch, United States Army Alaska
Sgt. Maj. of the Army Michael Grinston joins Soldiers from Blackfoot Company, 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division, US Army Alaska for a group photo after doing physical training at Geronimo gym Feb. 8 on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson.
10. Load Up

Photo by Sgt. Brandon Rickert, AFN Vicenza
Airmen load equipment onto a C-130 at Aviano Air Base, Italy February 9th, 2022.
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