The 13 Funniest Military Memes Of The Week

After another arduous week of combing the internetz for good lulz, here are our picks for great military memes. It wouldn't sting so much if it weren't true. <p class="shortcode-media shortcode-media-rebelmouse-imag…
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After another arduous week of combing the internetz for good lulz, here are our picks for great military memes.

It wouldn’t sting so much if it weren’t true.

If you poop on the carpet, you’ll change ranks quickly too.

Ah, the beautiful colors of fall.

‘Playing’ means different things to different people.

If enlisting didn’t teach you not to volunteer, this cleaning detail will.

When you see what first sergeant has everyone else doing, you’ll wish you volunteered.

The sun was in his eyes …

… right before that fist was in his eye.

I’d love to see this guy at the promotion board.

Seeing a panel of sergeants major assess him for proper uniform fit would be amazing.

One way to fix a fat neck? Destroy it.

Throat punch is also a good solution for uppity privates or hovering officers.

Falling asleep at staff duty is a pretty quick ticket to this.

Pilots have so many switches and buttons to worry about.

Just because you’re at war, that’s no reason to be uncivilized.

Marines don’t always understand how airborne works.

Airborne wings are just a uniform thing. You can’t actually fly, Marine.

Hurry up and clean!

Ok, now wait. Keep waiting. Keep waiting …

A-10s have a one-track mind.

And on that track, they rain destruction on a Biblical scale.

Yeah, that’ll show those lazy airmen.

You should take them outside and teach them how to PT.

NOW: 7 Interesting Facts About The Javelin Missile System

And: Soldiers Record Catchy Beatles Cover From A Snowbank