The 13 funniest military memes of the week

Mo' memes, mo' prob– wait, that's not right. Whatever, check out our memes of the week. If you've got some great ones, bring them to our page and "Like" us while you're there. <…
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Mo’ memes, mo’ prob– wait, that’s not right. Whatever, check out our memes of the week. If you’ve got some great ones, bring them to our page and “Like” us while you’re there.

1. This is why you don’t sham near your unit (Via Team Non-Rec).

Either hole up in the barracks or get way off post.

2. Maybe this is why Marines are so obsessed with pull ups (via Marine Corps Memes).

They’re not that challenging when you can fly.

SEE ALSO: Me as ‘vibe coordinator’ and other stories from military transition hell

3. Air Power (Via Team Non-Rec).

Muscles developed through years of chair sitting.

4.  Just wish there was video of this (Via Sh*t My LPO Says).

It’d be even better if she slipped into some fuzzy slippers before walking off.

5. They’re very important tools.

Getting a drawing on the commander’s fridge is an automatic OER bullet.

6. The sound of freedom is a Rip-It can being opened.

Seriously, this might be the serum given to Capt. America.

7. Switches back and forth like a metronome (via Marine Corps Memes).

Seriously, it’s like he’s a mole and getting to lance corporal is when he gets whacked.

8. Meh, it’ll be fine (Via Sh*t My LPO Says).

It looks like quality wood. What could go wrong?

9. “Why shouldn’t I be comfortable, chief?”

Don’t worry. His hands will come out when he starts doing push ups.

10. Basic training is no reason to let yourself go.

11. When your commander seems to have no experience (Via Air Force Memes and Humor)

Of course, the rest of your unit is going to give you the same look if you really start talking about ribbon count.

 12. There’s nothing to do but climb trees (via Marine Corps Memes).

Just kidding. If you climbed a tree, gunny would murder you.

13. V.A. care. Earned, not given (via Marine Corps Memes).

It’s a long quest to see a V.A. doctor, but at least you’ll get 800 mg ibuprofen and some water when you complete the ordeal.

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