This man honors the military by playing ‘Taps’ for his neighbors every day

Every time Don Brittain plays "Taps" at sunset his neighbors stand at attention. One resident told CBSN, "When you hear the first note, everything in our house comes to a complete halt." Tacoma residents have made it part of th…
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Every time Don Brittain plays “Taps” at sunset his neighbors stand at attention.

One resident told CBSN, “When you hear the first note, everything in our house comes to a complete halt.”

Tacoma residents have made it part of their daily ritual. For Brittain, it’s his way of showing appreciation for our military.

“I want to support our guys who are over there fighting,” Brittain told CBSN. “I had polio as a kid, so I couldn’t serve. I would have served in a heartbeat.”

Watch Brittain move his neighbors with his beautiful rendition of “Taps”:

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