Anything you’d find in a typical college dorm, you can expect to see in a barracks room. That’s right, food, porn, liquor, hot plates for cooking — you name it. After all, barracks-confined troops and college kids are the same age. But unlike in college, a trooper doesn’t have as many rights to stuff as a student does during a barracks inspection.
While we know to make everything disappear before a scheduled barracks inspection, it’s the unexpected ones that land you with extra duty or worse. That’s why you should always have a plan, or prepare yourself for some tough questions like Cpl. Steve Henshaw in this scene from the classic Army comedy Sgt. Bilko.
Which leads us to the whole reason we’re writing about surprise room inspections in the first place. While eavesdropping on the Marines of Helmand and Al Anbar Facebook page we came across the funniest thread we’ve read in a long time. The post asks followers to list the craziest things they’ve witnessed during a surprise inspection.
Here’s our favorite seven responses regarding barracks inspections

1. The happiest man on earth.

2. Grazing goat.

3. Size matters.

4. The V.I.P. Lounge.

5. The girlfriend in the locker.

6. The 1911 surprise.

What was the craziest surprise barracks inspection you’ve ever witnessed?