When you’re on deployment in the middle of nowhere, calling friends and family can be challenging. The satellite phones might be down for various reasons — or since you’re probably in different time zones — the person you’re trying to reach has been in bed for hours.
Get used to it because you have six more months until you rotate home.
As more and more people use social media these days versus talking on the phone, new problems will surface for our deployment service members — all because of freakin’ social media.

Related: These simple luxuries can make your next deployment tolerable
Check out seven reasons why social media is the f*ckin’ devil while on a deployment.
1. Fake news can be a bummer. You can’t trust everything you read, so check the sources before you spread a rumor about a hot celebrity dying to the rest of our platoon.
I guess he told her. (Image via Giphy)
2. You could have gotten dumped weeks ago without even knowing it. Troops get dumped all the time over social media (which is really messed up, by the way).
The face of heartbreak. (Image via Giphy)
3. You don’t want to see your friends having a good time without you.
Yup. It can be a bummer. (Image via Giphy)
4. Being reminded of all the things you’re missing out on.
#thestruggleisreal (Image via Giphy)
5. You could get in trouble for posting cool deployment pictures or video that you weren’t supposed to.
No more posting firefights for the rest of the deployment. (Image via Giphy)
6. You could enter “blackout” times and areas after reading an important message and you’re unable to respond.
The suspense is killin’ me! (Image via Giphy)
Also Read: 7 things we did on deployment we’re totally proud of
7. You’re constantly on an internet timer because other people are waiting to get on too. So you have to get back in line to log back on.
It’s brutal.