Do you even internet, bro? Awhile back, the South Carolina National Guard put out a request for folks to come up with the command’s new motto (because apparently “Trusted at home, proven abroad” is no good). Here were the guidelines:

Other organizations have attempted to involve their communities in similar fashion over the last few years, most notably Britain’s Natural Environmental Research Council that wound up with “Boaty McBoatface” as the winner of a “name this ship” contest back in April.
And the Air Force did the same thing with this tweet:
Take a break today and help us name our bomber for the 21st Century! @AFGlobalStrike #B21
— U.S. Air Force (@usairforce) March 21, 2016
They wound up with a bunch of cool names like Trumppelin, Deathkill Eaglehawk Firebird Hoora! Testosterone, and (of course), Bomby McBombface.
More proof that social media is the best media. We hope this tradition continues, because it’s pretty entertaining.