We’ve all heard the term “boot” blurted out at one point or another during our military career. It means that guy who graduated boot camp, completed all their courses in their speciality school, and is now headed off to their very first unit.
In the naïve mind of a boot, the majority think they know everything, what with all that intense training and all.
The truth is, you probably don’t know your elbow from your a-hole, and you’re going to make plenty of dumb mistakes between now and forever.
Related: 7 things you should know before joining the infantry
So check out these tips on how not to be treated like a complete boot while serving in the infantry:
1. Don’t be the biggest smart ass ever
Grunts have some of the darkest humor around, but most times a smart ass boot hasn’t found his place in the squad and can go overboard with their personality real quick.
No one likes a smart ass. (Images via Giphy)
2. Don’t be the biggest “know it all” either
It’s an excellent trait to have a brain sitting in between your ears — just be mindful of when you correct someone in a position of power because you think they may be wrong. It’s all in the approach.
Think it through. (Images via Giphy)
3. Show up to formations on time
If you show up late, someone has to go looking for you, and you could be keeping your platoon from going home on a Friday afternoon. Don’t be that guy sitting in your barracks room playing COD.
Oh, look you’re only an hour late. (Images via Giphy)
4. Take on some extra responsibility
You don’t have to volunteer for everything, just something simple. Oh, and get it right the first time — then every time after that.
A smart choice now can save you from a terrible voluntold assignment later. (Images via Giphy)
Also Read: 6 newbie boots you wouldn’t want in your infantry squad
5. Kill it at the range
Grunts love to see their boots hit that target center mass with a well-placed round.
Nailed it! (Images via Giphy)
6. Pay attention to details
It’s the little details that matter. Write that down.
True story. (Images via Giphy)
7. Don’t get a D.U.I.
Don’t do it. Just don’t effing do it.
“I’m not that drunk.” (Images via Giphy)
8. Watch your spending
Don’t go spending all your money on a car with a high-interest rate. The financial creditors will contact your chain of command and dock your check if you fail to make your payments.
Enjoy it while it lasts. (Images via Giphy)
9. Have your uniform squared away
That is all.

Can you think of any others? Comment below.