2020 summed up through 12 months of memes

This year has definitely seen its fair share of hilarious and uniquely 2020 memes. They’ve captured our angsty existence to a tee. From World War 3 and Corona, to hating on Matthew Morrison, welcome to 2020’s 12 Months of Memes. Hopefully, 2021 provides us with less material.


  1. World War 3 
2020 memes

We were all simultaneously laughing and crying over this possibility.

  1. “Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, Tinder” or “The Dolly Parton Challenge”
2020 memes

We all have different sides to us.

  1. Nasa and the brooms

It didn’t work in 2012 when it was popular the first time, it still doesn’t work now. 

  1. Tom Hanks at the Golden Globes

You just know something is off…


  1. The Ice Age Baby
2020 memes

So versatile, yet so dark.

  1. Unscrew the cap

Takes agility and strength, but more often than not, leads to immense pain after failing to actually complete the challenge and fall onto the floor.

  1. No one has this range

The amount of versatility in his expression…


  1. It’s Corona Time!
2020 memes

Wash your hands!

  1. Hoarding toilet paper

We’re still working through all of it.

  1. Dancing Pallbearers

March brought on some more…morbid memes, but at least your Covid funeral will have some pep in its step.


  1. Tiger King
2020 memes

The distraction we all needed in lockdown.

  1. Quarantine bubbles

Stranded inside, without a plan.

  1. 2020 can’t get any worse

At this point, nothing would surprise me.


  1. Online learning

Twas…an adjustment.

  1. It’s Gonna be May

Justin knows what’s up.

  1. Swole Dog vs. Cheems

Swole dog might have a nagging superiority complex.

  1. My Plans/2020

2020 is just a one year-long raincheck.


  1. From the Walking dead to the Purge
2020 memes

Well that was a complete 180 degree turn.

  1. Murder hornets

The beginning of summer 2020 had us feeling like we were in a literal 10 plagues.

  1. Nature in Recovery

Just look at these beautiful creatures…


  1. The beginning of Covid vs. Now (July)

By this point, we were practically unphased.

  1. Everything is cake

Is it a croc or is it funfetti?

  1. Alien Invasion

Fortunately, it seems they chickened out.


  1. Mi pan su su su

Put this sound over anything and it’s instantly more entertaining.

  1. How the email found me

Everything is going great!

  1. The Movie Villain vs. The Actual Villain

Some character plots just don’t age well…


  1. The “Reese Witherspoon Challenge”

Showcasing our prime moods for each month.

  1. This is where I’m at today

Eternal limbo at this point…

  1. The longest March in history so far

It is currently the 238th of Marchtember.

  1. Which animal are you?

This year just showed us how obsessed we can be with our name being matched to a chocolate and cream cow or an orange rainforest frog.


  1. Mike Pence and the Fly

Not only free press for the fly, but also a great Halloween costume.

  1. How it started, how it’s going

Well, it can go one of two ways…

  1. Does this look like an appropriate father/son interaction to you?

A politically charged comment gone wrong…


  1. Something’s wrong. I can feel it.

It’s something in the air.

  1. I ain’t never seen 2 pretty best friends.

Dude, where have you been looking?

  1. Ratatouille, the musical

It’s united a country and all it took was a tiny rat chef.


  1. Please. No.

The biggest fear of an eternal 2020.

  1. An environment that is so toxic

Welcome to 2020.

  1. Mathew Morrison Hatred

He’s not only the Grinch and the master of cringe hip hop, but the subject of unmatched sarcastic hatred