Things you’ve done but will never ever admit

Those who served in the military are a part of a very tight group which some consider their second family — co-workers become their brothers and sisters. Typically you can admit to anything to family and get absolution for your sins. …
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Those who served in the military are a part of a very tight group that some consider their second family — co-workers become their brothers and sisters. And with family comes all the secrets you thought would never see the light of day. 

Typically you can admit to anything to family and get absolution for your sins. But some things we do are so embarrassing we’d never tell a single soul in fear of how people may see us forever after.

Related: 9 examples of the military’s dark humor

So check out our list of things every boot has done but will never ever admit to anybody. Don’t worry, your secret is face with us. 

That time you jumped on a grenade (a Jersey Shore type) when you didn’t have to

Admitting to being a Blue Falcon


Clogging the toilet in the barracks

Getting an STD

Also Read: 7 military regs service members violate every day

Getting a power trip when you put on rank

Getting out PT’d by someone in a rival military branch

When you had a sh*tty time on leave but told everyone it was great

The embellishments in the “No sh*t there I was” story

Counting every rep during a PFT 

Lying about your moto tattoo (you weren’t really drunk when you got it, you’re just embarrassed you thought it was cool at the time)