Marines carry a lot of gear while on a combat deployment: body armor, weapons, and communication equipment — just to name a few. With all that weight tallying up quickly and a lack of storage space to contain it all, Marines have to be picky about what they’re willing to haul around on those long missions.
At times, they’ll even negotiate with one another who carries what, but check out this list of what Marines have no problem taking with them regardless of how much it weights.
Here are 8 things Marines love to carry other than their weapon
1. Energy drinks
Although water is the healthier choice — there’s nothing like a delicious energy drink to make that 12-hour mission seem more enjoyable and speed up time.

2. Extra ammo
“I have too many bullets to shoot, Sergeant,” said no Marine ever.
Ammo is heavy, but the look on a grunt’s face when he’s unloading a full magazine at the ISIS: priceless.
3. Smokes/Dip
Even if you didn’t indulge in tobacco products stateside, you’re probably going to light up a cigarette or pack your lip full of dip while on an extended patrol.
4. Things that make other things go boom
The weight of a few Claymores, grenades, and mortars can add up if you’re carrying a few extras in your mole pouches, but one thing Marines love and are proud of is their outstanding ability to blow sh*t up.
To that, we tip our hats.
5. Crystal lite packets
Because drinking water can get boring — really boring. Although it’s a healthier option than number #1.
6. Pogey bait
Many have never heard of this term.
Pogey bait is an assortment of cakes, candies, and nonmilitary foods.
7. Digital camera
Because recording those special little moments of bombing the hell out of ISIS are unique ones.
8. Baby wipes
You never know when you have to take a G.I. shower…or a field dump.
Bonus: G.P.S.
Just in case your 2nd Lieutenant can’t get you to the second checkpoint.