April Fools’ Day has come and gone, but for some reason Duffel Blog’s article about needing a 200,000 man detail on the southern border is looking more true now than ever.
But I’m not going to lie, the U.S. Marine Corps social media team got me — because they were the last people I’d expect to be genuinely funny.

Don’t worry. Bobby Boucher’s GT score was definitely high enough to get any other MOS. He just “chose” infantry.
(via Disgruntled Vets)

“But Sarge, they said they approved E-1 and above! It was meant to be!”
(via Decelerate Your Life)

Your troops stationed in Greenland will need enhanced visibility in those dark, Polar Nights.
(via PT Belt Nation)

Promote ahead of peers.
(via Air Force Nation)

Who are we kidding? There wouldn’t have been any productive military training anyways.
(via Army as F*ck)

If I could explain my military career in a single meme, this would be it.
(via The Salty Soldier)

Learning to sleep anywhere is definitely going to take you far.
(via Untied Status Marin Crops)

May the odds be ever in your favor.
(via Sh*t My LPO Says)

They still have a higher chance of appearing on an Avengers: Infinity War poster than Hawkeye.
(via Ranger Up)

Boot mistake. Everyone knows you hide silently in your barracks until close-out formation.
(via Why I’m Not Reenlisting)

Just throwing my two cents in: If you’re a POG who uses someone else’s gruntness to make you seem more badass, then you have no room to complain about an officer getting an award for someone else’s work.
(via Pop Smoke)

Even the characters match perfectly.
(via /r/IASIP)

“Back in my day, we only had iron sights and we didn’t need your fancy 700-900 RPM cyclic rate of fire.