Memes are the internet’s Motrin and water. They’re used for everything though they solve nothing. Here are 13 new ones to get you through that shattered femur.
1. Backseat drivers are the worst (via Air Force Memes Humor).

2. Just wear one of those strips on your nose (via Sh*t My LPO Says).

SEE ALSO: The US Military took these incredible photos this week
3. It’s not too bad. He has that mattress that conforms to his shape …

4. When you don’t want your Valentine to escape.

5. The Air Force has strict testing requirements (via

6. The Air Force reminds all the haters why they should be jealous (via Military Memes).

7. Inter-service rivalry began a long time ago …
(via Marine Corps Memes)

8. When public affairs says they’ve seen stuff (via Sh*t My LPO Says).

9. The vehicles are powered by JP-8.

10. Hearing a sniper rifle means you probably weren’t the target (via 11 Bravos).

11. Fun fact: The radio was getting a signal on the deck (via Sh*t My LPO Says).

12. This is how you get safety briefs.

13. Epic battles of joint barracks:
(via Ranger Up)