It’s a memes rundown! It’s like a memes war except that you can only watch, not comment (for an actual memes war, just pick a random post on our Facebook page and start posting funny memes).
1. Not familiar with this happening at the forward operating base, but I am familiar with this happening at the combat outpost (via Crusty Pissed Off Veteran).

2. “Stand up at the back of the room if you’re getting tired.” (via Sh-t my LPO says).

SEE ALSO: This annual competition tests which country has the best snipers
3. “You will respect my authoritah!”

4. Every time while briefing the command team:
(via Air Force Nation)

5. Guys, North Korea is a military juggernaut … somehow. Much frightening.

6. “Today, we rise!”
(via Pop Smoke)

7. The military branch exchange day was quickly canceled and never repeated (via The Reactor is Critical).

8. This is why the airmen seem so uncomfortable on other bases (via Pop Smoke).

9. We didn’t promise you a rose garden …
(via Devil Dog Nation)

… but you can grow one on Farmville if you want.
10. Accurate (via Sh-t my LPO says).

11. Most bubble machines have less chevrons than that (via Air Force Nation).

12. Marines are like small town doctors in that they still make house calls (via Devil Dog Nation).

13. How does an airborne operation turn into a cautionary tale and internet meme?
(h/t Do You Even Airborne, Bro?)