‘Earning the Tab – Pt. 3’ – Lisa faces the biggest gut check of her life

[brid video="115805" player="7965" title="ETT103 Earning the Tab Pt. 3.mp4"]The U.S. Army's Ranger School is beyond tough. Sixty percent of those who start the course fail within the first four days. One third of all soldiers "recycle" one …
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The U.S. Army’s Ranger School is beyond tough. Sixty percent of those who start the course fail within the first four days. One third of all soldiers “recycle” one of the three phases.

In Part 3 of this amazing series by Army veteran Rebecca Murga, Maj. Lisa Jaster continues her quest to make history by being among the first females to complete Ranger School and earn the right to wear the tab. Nineteen females started the course; 3 remain. Lisa has already recycled the Darby phase (phase one). Will she make it to the end?

Watch ‘Earning the Tab – Pt. 1’ here. Watch Pt. 2 here.