Watch these newbies try to kill themselves on the grenade range

Engaging a target with a grenade couldn't be simpler, you pull the pin and throw it. Yet for some weird reason, perhaps out of fear or fascination, it doesn't always go so smooth. U.S. Army weaponeers designed modern grenades like ball…
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Engaging a target with a grenade couldn’t be simpler, you pull the pin and throw it. Yet for some weird reason, perhaps out of fear or fascination, it doesn’t always go so smooth.

U.S. Army weaponeers designed modern grenades like balls to capitalize on soldiers’ experience with sports. Today soldiers typically refer to the small bomb as a “baseball grenade” because of its size and overall feel. The Army even experimented with football shaped anti-tank grenades during the 1960s. Perhaps they foresaw baseball’s decline as America’s past time and the rise of football.

It’s dangerous when you don’t do it right but also entertaining. Regardless, it shouldn’t be as hard as the people in this video make it out to be.


H/T: Funker 530