HAVE is uniting veterans through NFTs to create wealth-building opportunities

Jessica Manfre Avatar
Photo courtesy of Belone and Kuhl

Over the last five years the investment in bitcoin, dogecoin and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have exploded across the world. For transitioning and out veterans, it may be an opportunity to build the wealth they were too busy fighting wars to dig into. 

Though it originated in 2014, it wasn’t until 2017 when it picked up momentum and interest in the public. NFTs are a part of the Ethereum blockchain, a cryptocurrency. They are non-interchangeable blocks of data. To get even deeper, they are built with cryptographic hash 9a mathematical algorithm that maps data of an arbitrary size which is a set of differing identifying characters to create a unique chain of data. These “coins” are then stored in digital wallets.

To simplify it, an NFT can be just about anything digital. Things like your own art, photos, video, event tickets, website domains even music, is then turned into tech which is sold or traded. NFTs have arguably revolutionized the digital collectibles and gaming world. 

The set up of NFTs make them relatively hacker-safe, due to the nature of its design. However, like any investment, there’s still risk. Though cryptocurrency reached extraordinary heights in November 2021, it is down 6.9% since the beginning of the New Year. However, NFTs have been holding their value, growing from $200 million in 2020 to over $21 billion in 2021. 

Seeing the landscape ripe with opportunities for veterans to grow their wealth through this unique investment platform, The Humble Alpha Veteran Empowerment (HAVE) decided to go all in for NFTs for its community. 

HAVE founders, Steven Kuhn and Lane Belone (both Army veterans) worked to design an exclusive collection of 22,220 veteran-inspired military challenge coin NFTs. First to be released is the 5,550 Marine Bulldog NFT, minted with EktaCHain (this is a decentralized network which bridges the designed blockchain with the actual physical world). 

Photo courtesy of Belone

These challenge coins will open up a door to a membership which includes access to limited availability events and a stake in an interest in what is termed the Metaverse. This means those who purchase the challenge coins will get first rights to do things like access the new HAVE NFTs, earn a small share of the HAVE Fund (used to invest, reward and support veteran start-up projects) and attend exclusive HAVE events. 

In 2020, Kuhn and Belone released a book titled Unleash Your Humble Alpha: Own Your Presence in Life and Become the Epic Leader You Are Meant to Be

The method focuses on working projects from the inside out and focuses on discovering their personal identities and purpose. HAVE members also create community events, or missions, to connect with other veterans and support each other’s journey. 

The founder’s method of mentorship and business development designed specifically for veterans appears to have resonated. Their Vetpreneuer Tribe group on Facebook boasts almost 16,000 members and the paid Warrior Council is growing. 

Creating HAVE NFT appears to be an extraordinary new space to create opportunities for America’s heroes, impacting not just their financial health but increasing and expanding their quality of life, too.