The top 7 best places for infantrymen to sleep

Though military members of all stripes probably have an easy time sleeping in places other than a bed, infantrymen are especially adept at being able to sleep just about anywhere. We've ranked the best spots for grunts to catch some Z's. …
infantryman sleeping in truck

Though military members of all stripes probably have an easy time sleeping in places other than a bed, infantrymen are especially adept at being able to sleep just about anywhere. We’ve ranked the best spots for grunts to catch some Z’s.

1. On a cot less than a foot away from the grunt next to you

infantry cots

2. On the floor of an Air Force terminal before deployment

airport chairs

3. The back of a cramped C-130 transport plane

infantrymen sleeping

4. The bottom of a foxhole

sleeping infantry

5. Inside a ridiculously-noisy helicopter


6. The tried-and-true Humvee

infantryman is sleeping

7. In the dirt

infantryman sleeping