Memes call! Find your favorites, share them with your buddies, or don’t. We’re not your supervisor.
1. A training video on “Abdominal Circumference” may actually help some units (via Air Force Memes Humor).

2. Being outside a firefight without your rifle is worse than being in a firefight with it (Weapons of Meme Destruction).

3. Allow the E4 to teach you a little about the military (via Why I’m Not Re-enlisting).

4. Back blast area clear!
(via Team Non-Rec)

5. It’s always embarrassing to remember that next generation’s history books will include this generation’s actions (via Decelerate Your Life).

6. Will pay to see “You’re Welcome” parody with Coast Guard swimmers (via Coast Guard Memes).

7. Senior enlisted problems:
(via Terminal Lance)

8. Some NCO better fix that little guy’s gig line (via Why I’m Not Re-enlisting).

9. Last guy to switch from BDUs is definitely the first guy to crack a beer (via Air Force amn/nco/snco).

10. Your recruiter lied to you (via Why I’m Not Re-enlisting).

11. Kinda hard to take the new guy on a welcome-to-the-unit bender if someone has to make him a fake ID first (via Military World).

12. It’s all about composite risk management (via Why I’m Not Re-enlisting).

13. Remember all those grinning, proud faces when all the boots got their new uniforms?
(via Decelerate Your Life)