Best military memes of the week to laugh at while waiting at the PX

Need a laugh? Here are the best military memes of the week to laugh at while waiting at the PX.
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military memes

Marine Infantrymen are very proud of their MOS to the point where the absurd levels of motivation are a coping mechanism to any and all BS after a long period of time. It’s always fun to mess with the new lieutenant, probably more so than the average boot. Yet, new officers are criticized for their degrees, quietly, on the enlisted side. In the long run it does not matter but it is pretty funny when your new lieutenant tries to be tough but we know he has a degree in English. It humbly reminds us that even educated Marines still eat crayons.

Here are the best military memes of the week to laugh at while waiting at the PX

college degree military memes

Show me an officer that was born with shinnies on and someone will still find a way to call him a boot and make fun of his degree.

secure brow

*Light saber sounds*

clown military memes

Nah, nah. No. You wanted to get promoted to SNCO and get a higher billet. Now cough and sign off on that paperwork!

join the army meme

You could do both by joining the Army and say you almost joined the Marines. Bonus points if you say that to a Marine and then end it with “-its the same thing, really.”

nice beach military memes

Marines like to mess with nature until nature hits you back with an act of Congress.

gwot meme

You know, we really should be appreciating peacetime. At least everyone comes home from deployment during the lull in the fight. The next war will come, no need to rush it or ask for it. You get to focus on your career or what you’ll do out of it. The only thing that grinds my gears is boot NCOs walking around with no deployment ribbons acting tough. Don’t be a wienie. Train without the chip on the shoulder.

guardians military memes

Y’all just wearing whatever you want and none of the other branches know enough about guardians to collect your spacemen uniforms.

air force pomp and circumstance meme

Isn’t that part of the fun?

new vehicle military memes

Smells like the squad bay and aftershave. This meme made me nauseous.

it's always sunny meme

That’s a lot of damage!

op tempo nonner meme

When saving face is more important than self-preservation.

nonner meme

It must be some sort of Naval black magic we’re too Marine to understand.

old corps vs new corps military memes

Don’t die was always a requirement.

military memes about tattoos

Marines: I wanted to join the Army but I like actually working out.