The 13 Funniest Military Memes This Week

Yup, it's Friday. After another week of tough searching, we've been able to find 13 military memes that made us laugh. Good morning, fellas! …
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Yup, it’s Friday. After another week of tough searching, we’ve been able to find 13 military memes that made us laugh.

Good morning, fellas!

Yeah, Marines. You may be up first, but it doesn’t make you cool.

Of course, the Army doesn’t mind the early wake up …

… since they’ll be napping at every halt anyway.

Actually, anytime they are left unsupervised.

Hmm, I wonder what happened right after this picture was taken.

Except for picnics. They love picnic time.

What, no MREs?

Oh, Coast Guard!

Always trying to be in the club.

SEE ALSO: 27 Incredible Photos of Life On A US Navy Submarine

To be fair, service members ask for the Air Force all the time.

Mostly because they act like the military’s travel agency.

Fine, yes. We also call them for that one other thing.

And by one other thing, I mean constant close air support.

And, yeah, that one other, other thing.

I swear to god, Air Force, it was just a joke.

It’s all about knowing your weaknesses …

… and overcoming them through brute force.

U.S. Army Infantry

What can’t be done in columns and ranks will be done with brooms and rakes.

Meanwhile, in the Corps.

Too cool for school Marine.

Oh Marines, you’re tough, but you’ll never be an MP with kittens tough.

This selfie is for Mittens.

Regardless of your time in service, this will be you a few years after you’ve served.

NOW: 11 Insider Insults Sailors Say To Each Other

AND: 23 Terms Only US Marines Will Understand

OR HURRY UP AND WATCH: Starship Troopers In Under 3 Minutes

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