How do you become a Guardian in the Space Force?

Want to join the Space Force to become a Guardian? Don't rule out an opportunity with the Unites States Space Force.
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how to join the space force

Want to know how to join the Space Force and become a Guardian? If you grew up pondering the wonders of outer space and have an interest in military service, don’t rule out an opportunity with the Unites States Space Force. In 2019, the Space Force became the newest branch of the United States military and the first one established since 1947. Its mission is to oversee and protect global space operations.

Is it hard to join Space Force? Basic Training

Boot camp for the Space Force won’t be a walk in the park, but it will be easier than becoming a Marine. The Space Force fosters an atmosphere of acceptance right from the start. In fact, you’ll be referred to as a U.S. Space Force Guardian from the moment you step off the bus at your training site. From there, you’ll have a combination of classroom study and hands-on fieldwork.

Space Force Guardians attend the same basic training as those who enlist with the United States Air Force. However, you will also be required to complete the additional Space Force curriculum, which includes a course on emotional intelligence, the structure of the Space Force, and other military-specific doctrines.

Weeks One and Two

You’ll be given an agenda for the entire training program in your first week of basic training. As a Guardian, you’ll also learn how military ranking works and familiarize yourself with the customs of the military. All new recruits will also undergo a physical assessment to determine their serving ability. Of course it’s no surprise that Space Force’s programming is heavy on physical exercise. You’ll be required to attend a nutrition brief, too. After that, you’ll receive your immunizations and do drills.

In week two, the drill training will intensify with weapons handling and maintenance lessons. You’ll also take a self-guided military history course and learn wingman responsibilities.

Weeks Three through Six

Week three is full of activities. Future Guardians will continue to have early morning physical training sessions. On top of that, this is when you’ll finally be issued your military clothing. You’ll learn weapons mechanic applications and some tactical movements. Then, you’ll take courses in financial readiness, suicide awareness, and airman integrity.

By the time you get to week four, you’ll have made it halfway through basic training. You’ll continue having your drills and building weapons mechanic skills. You also begin to study the law of war and engage in fight commander team building.

Your drill sergeants will pick up the pace a bit in week five. This is where you’ll really begin being tested as a future Guardian. You’ll go through combat simulation and take training in national security. In this week, you’ll also take a foundational expeditionary skills test.

Week six will be the most trying week for all new recruits. In fact, it’s so intense that the U.S. Air Force refers to it as BEAST week. That stands for Basic Expeditionary Airmen Skills Training. You’ll have to go through a simulated deployment and utilize all the combat techniques you will have learned in the weeks prior.


Though training is similar to the Air Force, Space Force Guardians must complete 35 additional course hours. You’ll have to answer questions such as “What is a solar flare?” and “Where does Lower Earth Orbit being?” As a new Guardian, you’ll learn about global threats in space and the numerous satellites under the Space Force’s control. Like basic training in other branches, you’ll participate in a graduation ceremony to which you can invite your closest family members.

space force graduation
Airman 1st Class Dianne Rivera, left, poses for a selfie with husband, Yan, following her Basic Military Training graduation at Joint-Base San Antonio. (Courtesy photo provided by Airman 1st Class Dianne Rivera)

What Happens after Space Force Graduation?

After graduation, Guardians will go on to their first duty installations. You’ll likely get some home leave. Sometimes you might have to report to your next base immediately. Each situation is different. Space Force jobs are vast and varied – just like the lands Guardians protect!

The Space Force identifies qualified troops as either ‘organic’ or ‘common’ Specialty Air Force Career Code (AFSC) holders, and offers a third category for those who cover both Air Force and Space Forces operations organic roles

Officer candidates for the Space Force must be ready to commit, literally. After attending Officer Candidate School and completing technical training, they can expect rigorous security clearance screenings and on-the-job learning experiences as part of their readiness qualifications.

With no Warrant Officers in our new military branch yet, those seeking transfers should prepare themselves for commissions instead. As mission requirements evolve, so does the list of available opportunities. Don’t miss your chance to make a mark in space.

Issues with Branch Transfers

The Space Force may retain Airmen who have requested an honorable release from service, as long as the voluntary date separation does not apply. Those whose departure has been involuntary will remain exempt from this requirement.

As with other branches, civilians are eligible to work for the Space Force. Most are considered Department of Air Force employees. Government job recruiting boards might not list many open positions. It’s best to speak with an Assignments Manager or Personnel staff member to find out more.