Do you remember that day you arrived at the armed forces recruiting office years ago? Sure, you do.
Every day, young men and women walk in with the prospect of serving their country. While some decide against joining, others sign their name on the dotted line and ship off to boot camp.
Most people didn’t take the time to think about what the military branch can do for them — they were just eager to join.
If you didn’t pick the Marine Corps, you freakin’ messed up, and here are nine reasons why.
Also Read: 9 reasons why you should have joined the Army instead
1. The Marine Corps’ dress blue uniform is hands down the coolest looking one in the military.

2. The Marines have the best birthday parties ever, and they take celebrities as their dates.
3. The Marine Corps emblem — the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor — is one of the most recognizable symbols in the world. You could be wearing one now if you would’ve joined.

4. They have the toughest boot camp in the military. So just graduating says a lot about an individual.

5. Some of the most successful actors served in the Marine Corps. Drew Carey, Gene Hackman, and WATM’s good friend Rob Riggle just to name a few.

6. You could have been a part of some major military moments in history. Marines have fought in every American conflict since they were created in 1775.

7. Since all Marines are considered riflemen, you’ll learn to eat concertina wire, piss napalm, and put a round through a flea’s ass at 200 meters.

8. Anyone can claim the title of a sailor if you have been on a boat. Anyone call themselves a soldier if they listen to a lot of rap music. Lastly, anyone can call themselves an airman if you’ve flown once or twice. But the title of a Marine is never just handed out — it’s earned.

9. When there’s a significant conflict poppin’ off anywhere around the world, America sends in the Marines first. It’s best fighting force when you need to settle things down.