More from Jessica Evans
Cold War
Today in history: Korean War armistice signed Today in history: Korean War armistice signed
October 30, 2020
Here are 5 Vietnam War movies you should re-watch Here are 5 Vietnam War movies you should re-watch
October 30, 2020
Military Life
American’s favorite snacks invented by the military American’s favorite snacks invented by the military
October 30, 2020
Afghanistan War
Sorry Marines, these apps are banned from your government phones Sorry Marines, these apps are banned from your government phones
October 30, 2020
Military Branches
Strange DARPA projects that make sci-fi look low-fi Strange DARPA projects that make sci-fi look low-fi
October 30, 2020
Afghanistan War
Space Force is heading on deployment – to the Arabian Desert Space Force is heading on deployment – to the Arabian Desert
October 30, 2020
Afghanistan War
Air Force Academy and the experiment of enlisted faculty Air Force Academy and the experiment of enlisted faculty
October 30, 2020
Military Branches
Navy updates its CBD product regulations Navy updates its CBD product regulations
October 8, 2020
Military Life
5 reasons zombies couldn’t defeat the U.S. military 5 reasons zombies couldn’t defeat the U.S. military
October 8, 2020
Air Force
How Space Force chose their motto will surprise you How Space Force chose their motto will surprise you
October 6, 2020
Military Life
Honoring our Gold Star Mothers: Today and always Honoring our Gold Star Mothers: Today and always
September 28, 2020
Military Branches
3 great uses for your “forgotten to return” woobie 3 great uses for your “forgotten to return” woobie
September 17, 2020
Military Branches
Here’s why they’re called dog tags Here’s why they’re called dog tags
September 17, 2020
Veteran face-off at the Emmys: Army vs. Marines Veteran face-off at the Emmys: Army vs. Marines
September 14, 2020